Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Come, Lord Jesus, Come !

Advent is the season of Christian imagination; God given, enriching, a positive human faculty to think creatively - to imagine a mystery.
I want you to imagine this - a promise so full of potential, it is like a late fall pomegranate
splitting open revealing its sweetness.
Imagine a promise so potent, so generous and self-giving - that even as the promise is being given it is already pouring out what is promised.
Imagine a promise that even as we wait for its fulfillment it gives us the abundant means, the grace, to wait in Hope and Joy. 
And I want to imagine being able to look backwards and forwards simultaneously
because this what the Church does and along with the whole Church I want us to imagine the fullness of the inexpressible mystery Advent.
 At Advent we look backward and call to mind that all of scripture is the revelation of Gods promise; from creation when God declared all to be good, through Abraham the father of faith, through Moses and his complete trust in God, through the prophets with their visions of God. 
But, most of all, in Advent, we remember Gods promise fulfilled in Jesus, his son, our Lord.
 We remember that God himself, through the incarnation, the Word made flesh, came to be with us as Emmanuel, God is with us.
He came because he simply loves us, he came to bring us home, he came as truth, life, and salvation.
In this season of Advent we celebrate the incarnation, the first coming of Christ as an infant in the manger, and we look forward to the second coming of Christ, the Parousia, when he comes as Lord over all.
As we celebrate we live in hope and we patiently wait for that day and when it comes to pass and Gods promise is fulfilled, the Church will pass away.
 There will be no need of scripture. No need of bishops, priests or deacons and the people of God will include everyone.
The work will be done, the waiting will be over. Only Gods beatific vision will remain.
Advent, Latin for to come is the longing for that momentous day.
A day Isaiah repeatedly points to as on that day and what St Paul has described as 
"The plan to be carried out in Christ, in the fullness of time, to bring all things into one in him in the heavens and on earth"
In the first reading Isaiah paints us an imaginative view of Gods promise as the new heaven and the new earth.
On that day ... a shoot shall sprout....a bud will blossom the Spirit will judge in truth and justice.
The wolf will love the lamb and the lion will yield to the child, the baby is safe with the cobra - for the world will be filled overflowing and abundant with God.
On that day, I might add
The poor and the rich will share the same table, because they are equal, judged for who they are not for what they have.
Nations will rejoice in God; Israelis will love Palestinian, Sunni the Shite.
Moslem and Christian will remember that there is only One God and we are all brothers and sisters, children, each one of us, of that One God.
On that day all of creation, like the prodigal son, will return to right relationship with God, the Father and he will welcome us and all of creation, and he will rejoice.
But, our Advent longing for that day cannot be passive wishful thinking, but must be active and life affirming, it must enliven our hearts to trust God completely, to him love more deeply and to have a faith that lasts for as long as it takes. 
John the Baptist longed for that day and pointed to it when he preached repentance in the desert and when he baptized in the Jordan as a sign of that repentance and as a first step in preparation for the coming Lord. 
John was fired up and there was urgency in the air "for the Kingdom of God was at hand"
John called for a new honesty of character, a true conversion and an openness to what was/is coming.  John, the voice of one crying out in the desert, prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths calls the Pharisees and Sadducees, who are lurking around his baptisms,  a brood of vipers, trouble makers, because they stubbornly look backwards to Abraham as their hope.  Abraham was a holy man loved by God, but he could not save, only he who was coming could save.
 the Pharisees and Sadducees were roadblocks to the people because they denied the potent truth of Isaiahs vision.
John, who I imagine, would be losing his temper says look!
"I am baptizing you with water, but it is only a sign of repentance.
 I tell you, the one who is coming after me - is mightier than I.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire" 
The one who comes will change everything and every tree that does not bear good fruit
will be cut down and he will consume all of us one way or the other.
John who was not the light, but pointed to the light seems to be saying
we can argue till the cows come home, but "on that day" it will not matter.
Only Truth will matter and all will be subject to an unquenchable fire.
A divine fire that will devour, but it will also purify, and those purified will be foraged together, in Christ, one body one spirit and on that day all things will be brought together into one and handed back to the Father.
This is a good thing and the Church especially at Advent celebrates and rejoices in hope & joy for its coming.
 Let us then celebrate by looking back to Gods first coming; in all its tenderness and joy; the nativity, the Holy Family and the child Jesus and we look forward, beyond the horizon, to His second coming in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.
"on that day" our hope and our joy will spill out like that over ripe pomegranate.
 and we will rejoice in the presence of the Lord.  Come, Lord Jesus. Come!
"On that day the earth shall be filled with Spirit of The Lord and his dwelling shall be glorious"
On that day our Advent longing will be over.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Why do we do what we do? What drives us?
Why do we choose what we choose? What do we base those decisions on?
Often our choices are one step this side of the un-intentional, more of a habit, the easiest and safest  choice.
We make countless choices, without a second thought, as if they do not matter at all. 
Life sometimes forces us to make more deliberate decision. When we need to take a moment to figure out the next step.  Still this usually starts and ends with - what’s best for me.
Here the Church reminds us that we should make the effort to look beyond ourselves, and make our decisions and choices out the freedom that only comes from our Faith - the freedom to choose the better good; a more selfless choice for the good of the spouse or family or for the common good for neighbor and community and even for the good of the world.
But, sometimes there are choices that must be made from the deepest part of our being.
They go beyond the better and the common good.
These choices can only be made out of absolute living faith and a confident hope that is more real and tangible than what confronts us, whatever that may be.
We must (and there is no other option) base our decisions on the absolute reality that the Kingdom of God, His love and mercy, is more real than the kingdom of man and what it offers us and that Jesus (not ourself) is the only way,  truth and  life.
Sometimes, we must step up to the plate.
 The rein of King Antiochus Epiphanies, some 150 years before Jesus, was heavy handed and oppressive.
His regime used every means to stamp out Jewish religion and culture.  He had the Temple desecrated and holy scrolls burned.
 He attempted to crush all sacred and cultural intuitions that were the life blood of the Jewish people.
The authorities struggled to stamp out anyone or anything that tried to return Israel back to God. 
Under this oppression many were arrested as were the mother and her seven sons in today’s 1st reading.
All were imprisoned, cruelly tortured and in the end killed for holding fast to their faith.
 They were given options, of course.  “Just renounce your faith and you can go home.” They might have said.
We know this scenario.  It continues to be played out, in one form or another, around the world; everywhere the light of faith confronts the darkness of oppression and sometimes it’s only a lone voice in a wilderness.
We read that each brother was forced to make a decision that no human being should have to make, but which all human beings must be ready and able to make.
Confronted by hatred and fear each person (in their weakness and vulnerability) had to look their captor in the eyes and choose.
 “We are ready to die”   one says. “It is my choice to die at the hands of men” says another.
Why this courage? another son explains.
 “You are depriving us of this present life, but the King of the world will raise us up again – forever.” 
 Each had to dig deep into their very being because there was no faking it.  There was no pulling a rabbit out of a hat.
 Only truth would do; a faith that had already been lived day in and day out.  In fact they had already made their choice countless times before.  Each had already decided long before that day that
We are not afraid “God will raise us up again”
This was not, nor can it ever be, empty bravado - it was conviction, a deeply lived realty.
And what a reality it is.
The second reading describes this Christian reality.
“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and has given us everlasting encouragement and good hope through his grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word.”
This is the Truth and the Faith we must build our lives on.  
It is what we must base our choices on.   It is how we measure our lives.
 God loves us and has given us everlasting encouragement (which is faith) and through the gift faith the grace of hope is born.
St Paul knows gift of faith, which is received through baptism, is not the same as living faith that transforms lives and turns us, by what we say and do, from believers into disciples.
 “May God encourage your hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word.” Paul prays
The gift of Faith must be nourished and exercised, claimed as our rightful inheritance, held tight and most importantly used as our guiding light for our daily, ordinary lives.
 Faith and Hope must the foundation of every choice and decision we make.
If we do not live our lives in the light Faith and Hope, if we do not choose Jesus and the Kingdom of God over the Kingdom of deception, selfishness, pride and prejudice, then we can never hope to choose eternal life over this transitory life when push comes to shove.
Unless we strengthen our faith by making daily choices that reflect God’s love and compassion, we will always fall short and choose the cheap over the costly.  Love of this world over the love of God.
This is what Jesus is telling the Sadducees.
You love yourselves rather than loving God.
You trust your rules and laws that only tangle and entrap.
 You love this life without regards for eternal life to come. And you dent the resurrection.
Sure we need to be engaged in this transitory world because we have responsibilities;  as spouses and parents, friends and workers, and as helpful strangers  but always acting out of love of God, and always acting to restore His Kingdom that is already growing here.
The salvation of the world goes on - one choice, one decision at a time. Thousands upon thousands small choices,  each one bringing us closer to God and adding to the building up the Kingdom or taking us further from God and hindering that growth.
The choice is always ours. God had given us that freedom.
But before we choose (in little or great matters) we must recall to mind Jesus’ promise
  “I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live”
“If you believe you will see the glory of God”
This - we can always bet are lives on.

Friday, October 11, 2013

28th Sunday

Counter to what we normally think or what would normally catch our attention – it’s not the healing that counts; it’s the response to the healing that matters. The healing is just an outward sign of the dramatic, but unseen making new. Sometimes, as we see in today’s Gospel, the unseen making new goes unnoticed or even ignored.
Any gift requires some sort of thanks, but God’s Gift demands our gratitude and not just lip service, but life changing and life affirming loving action that is the fruit of God's gift of new and eternal life.
We see it in Naaman, a prideful and powerful general, who goes to Israel, because he has heard form a servant girl that he can be cured of his leprosy. As one of such prestige and honor would, he presents himself to the King of Israel, who dismiss him - what can I do. But, Elisha says to him I will show you that there is a prophet (a man of God) in Israel. I will show you God at work. So Naamen goes with all his men and horses in great splendor.He scoffs at the paltry means of his potential healing (simply washing in the puny Jordan) and he turns away. But in a moment of Grace, (Naaman's healing had already begun)  he decides to try anyway and he is overwhelmed by the experience “his flesh became again like the flesh of a little child”.
Part of the gift of healing was Naaman’s new knowledge (an experience of Grace) that his healing was more than skin deep. The physical healing was great and not to be dismissed but this healing was of the spirit and of his very humanity, and it compels this prideful man to real humility and gratitude. “Now I know (I have experienced) there is no God in all the earth, except the God of Israel”
We see it in the 10 lepers who Jesus heals in an even less dramatic fashion, by simply telling them to go show themselves (as proof of their healing) to the authorities, who are the only official voice that can announce them, clean. As they all hurry off, one remembers something long forgotten, or perhaps something within him stirs him to do the unexpected. The newly healed leper returns, to thank Jesus, for he knows it was more than his skin that was cleansed. He knows he was not just cured, but healed, and that his healing was complete transformation of body, mind and spirit; from death to life. And like Naaman, the leper - returned (in gratitude) to glorify God in a loud voice.
It is important, but not crucial (at least to this homily) that we reflect that both Naamen and the leper were outsiders, beyond the law and so beyond God’s saving grace. It is also worth noting that Naaman had power & prestige and the leper had none, but both became equal in their belief and in their new belief they were both set free.
For us what is unique and sanctifying, is that their gratitude went beyond being merely thankful. 
Beyond what we the American Catholic writer Flannery O’Conner lamented –
“My thanksgiving is never in the form of self-sacrifice, it is rather a few memorized prayers babbled once over lightly”  And this describes most of us most of the time. But, active all-embracing gratitude is true Christian gratitude.  It is deep, it is motivating, it is sanctifying and it compels us, not to move our lips, but to conform ourselves more and more, closer and closer to Jesus. This is what Paul describes in himself – a fearless gratitude in the Gospel.
 “Remember, Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, this is my gospel “ He says. We know the joy and confidence in which Paul proclaimed the Gospel, but he reminds us that real transformative gratitude is a grace that is both deep and broad and includes everything and rejects nothing -“this is my gospel (that is, it is Jesus Christ), for which I am suffering”.
Sacrifice and suffering are the hard side of gratitude, beyond the babbled prayers. It is never the easy choice.
Sacrifice and suffering are not inherent in the Gospel - it is the Good News, but it can be the consequences of living the good news in a self-serving self-serving world where escaping sacrifice and turning its back to suffering is preferred to facing it head on. Paul tells us that we may suffer and even be bound up in chains - both literal and metaphoric,but God gives meaning and hidden value to our sacrifice and suffering and we are free from the oppression of despair. 

How deep is Paul’s gratitude?  Well, he boldly proclaims “I bear everything”. This is the difference between lip service and all-embracing gratitude, between cheap and costly grace, the Protestant martyr Bonhoeffer would say. Paul doesn’t pick and choose what to bear. He doesn’t shy away from the heavy load. And this is sanctifying gratitude and it is the proper response to God’s gift of new and eternal life.
Gift and selfless / surrendering gratitude – Naaman saw the connection. Gift and self-less gratitude, the Samaritan leper saw the connection.  St Paul’s saw it and points out that it begins for us in baptism -
“If we have died with him we shall also live with him.” Resurrection with Christ through baptism sets in motion a new life of selfless gratitude both sanctifying and sacrificial.  But this is not a one off, but a starting point. Paul reminds us that this is a journey.“If we preserve (in gratitude on this journey of faith) we shall also reign with him”

But, this kind of gratitude must be cultivated, nourished and strengthened. We must continue to choose and respond to God in whatever form comes our way - joyful or sacrificial. Because Paul is clear -  “If we deny him he will deny us.” This is true. God has given us the great human gift of choice and so is we choose to deny God, he must sadly respect the choice and so by default denies us.“But, if we are unfaithful (the unfortunate attribute of our human condition) God remains faithful”
For no matter how many times we fall down, stumble, get lost, or break down Jesus is there, reminding us of the Father’s faithfulness, love and mercy. He is always there to heal us with a touch or a word and to command us in love “Stand up and go, your faith has saved you”

Thursday, September 12, 2013

23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

 “Who can know God’s council or conceive what the Lord intends?” we are asked rather rhetorically in the first reading.

This is one of those statements that on the surface is a no brainer, but upon reflection sheds light on all of creation and history.

In God’s boundless creative wisdom he is unknowable.

And in the ordinary human sense, we cannot understand his workings in the world.
Sometimes we see God’s hand in the grandeur of creation, or the smile of a child, or in the reading of Salvation History.

We sense God’s intention in the intimate interior of our prayer, the fleeting movement of his Holy Spirit in our heart, and in the Church’s sacraments. But, as we are, we can never really get it, we cannot even see it.  We can only glimpse it as if passing a mirror. And it’s a broken mirror and its true image is distorted by its fractures. 

We get lost in its multifaceted false images of social, cultural and political agendas and in its shimmering web we lose sight of who we really are and we lose sight of God. Worse still, sometimes this mirror is so clouded over by our busy, self-absorbed and forgetful lives that it appears as if God does not exist at all. 

And without God we are left – alone, with only the self and its ego to shape and give meaning to our lives.
Every choice and every relationship than becomes self-centered and conditional.

The sad story of the human condition is that this doesn’t bother us so much. We have built whole societies and cultures around this false sense of self and the individual. We have even, on the cover of Newsweek, declared God is dead.

Fooled by the distortion we fail to see the danger in this separation from God because we are fascinated and entranced by the seductive images.

But it is in this very mirror that Jesus finds us and restores our sight (as he did Bartameaus’ ) and we are given the chance to see with clear eyes, without the distortion,  as Jesus himself sees. With new eyes we can begin to see God (his council and intentions). With news eyes we no longer see through the glass darkly but in the light of clarity and truth.

It’s all about the vantage point.  It’s all about point of view. And this gets us to the Gospel.

Great crowds were with Jesus. Like most great crowds it was filled with onlookers and gawkers, the curious, the bored, and the halfhearted. Jesus always attached those who were not interested beyond the distorted image of this world.  They even judged Jesus by these distortions.

We know many said I’ll follow you, but . . . . I’ll surrender most things.  I will listen, if it's what I want to hear. I willing follow you if you meet my expectation.Jesus had heard all these self-centered, conditional answers, full of qualifiers and bargains. These are answers that only make sense a world reflected by the distorted mirror.

 Jesus understands our dilemma (how we have come to believe the reflection to be real and that we have come to love the distorted images more than life itself).  We love them so much that they have become for us; the norm, the ordinary and the expected, the way it is.

So with words as sharp as a razor and as shocking as lightening he says

 “If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters and even his own life he cannot be my disciple”

This is hard.  We don’t hate our mother and father, sister or brother.  We may have issues with them, but we don’t hate them. But, the human condition (brought about by original sin) is by its very nature self-centered and self-serving.The choices we make, the relationships we form are conditional and measured by lose or gain. Our bonds and relationships are not only centered on the self, they restrict and limit what we do and how we think within well-defined and safe boundaries. I will only do so much, for some people, some of the time. I will care for me & mine alone and in the approved and acceptable way – this is reasonable to the world.

It is our human nature to be conditional and self-centered, to be restrictive and exclusive. But this is the distorted view and it limits, if not crush, our relationship with God and neighbor. Jesus says this way of seeing is wrong.  It is not life it is death.

To follow Jesus means expanding who we think we are beyond the individual, beyond  the limitations of  family and friend, beyond society and culture. Jesus is not saying hate your loved ones, but look at them in light of God without distortion. Have the courage to look away from the mirror and look towards God.

When we do, our lives expand and our horizons grow, our relationship with God is made right, as is our relationship with every father and every mother, every spouse and every child, we do not hate them we love them more.  And not for our sake, but for theirs.

But, Jesus also reminds us that to turn away from that false, but comfortable vision, to proclaim it a lie, is to pick up the cross, because the world will laugh at you and brush you aside and so it seems even hate you for it. 

But this cross is truth and light and the narrow gate we hesitate to enter opens to an unlimited horizon and we can see for eternity in brightness because our vision has be made clear in Faith and Truth andas the Wisdom writers says

“Thus the paths of those on earth are made straight”