Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Spirit is coming, 6th Sunday of Easter

They remembered that it had been an uneasy and foreboding night.
They remembered being afraid of the future. What are we to do without the Lord they said to each other.
Thomas remembered that he had said to Jesus " we do not know where you are going. We do not know the way"
He also remembered, and he reminded the others, that Jesus had answered saying - I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
And now, gathered together, after the horror of the crucifixion and mysterious glory of the resurrection they remembered Jesus’ promise of another Advocate. And they would learn that this Advocate would be for them nothing less than the ongoing presence of Jesus.
Another, remembered that Jesus had reassured them - “I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you”
Yes, Lord come back to us, they said, but how will we know you?
Jesus answers, not with a description, but with a direction, You will know me by your actions.
And now they remembered
"If you love me, you will keep my commandments"
And they all remembered Jesus revealing to them.
"This is my commandment, love one another, as I have loved you."
Which simply says - If you love me, you will love one another.
Or in the negative - if you do not love one another you do not love me.
There is a clear correlation between loving others, as he did, and loving him.
They had experienced, through all the Jesus said and did, that to truly love is to love justly and in truth, without judgement, restrictions or boarders. And it is always to love beyond ones capabilities.
They might of cried out, "How can we do this a Lord. How can we love like you, you who loves like the Father loves. We are incapable and fearful to even try."
Do not be afraid “whoever believes in me will do the works that I do.
Whatever you ask in my name, I will do.
And do not be afraid, when I go my Father will send you another advocate."
This advocate is rightly called another.  Because, only by Jesus going to his Father was the second Advocate sent. The Spirit reminds us that Jesus himself is our first  advocate.
It is Jesus, God with us. Jesus the Word come into the world. Who's life, death and resurrection saved us and continues to save us. It is Jesus who now sits at the Father's right hand to plead our case unceasingly. He is our first advocate.
This new advocate is not the Word made flesh, but the Spirit of Truth, the peace Jesus left for us. Who teaches us all things, helps us to remember all things, and who makes Jesus himself present to us.
But, the world does not accept the Spirit of Truth, because it accepts only its own illusions and lies.
 It does not know the Spirit, because it only knows and accepts; power and wealth, fear and hatred, injustice and oppression. It does not know and accept the Spirit of Truth because it has forgotten what Truth looks like, what Life looks like, what the Way to God looks like.
But, we know and accept the Spirit. Because, we have seen the Holy Spirit remaining with us in the Church, the People of God and her sacraments. We have experienced the work of the Spirit in us, through our our own transformation, our own prayers and our own deeds of love.
 And most of all, through, and in the Holy Spirit, Jesus is present to us and if Jesus is present then God is present. 
"You will realize" Jesus says "that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you"
This indwelling unity is the truth the world cannot accept, because it does not want to. It does not want to, because it does not want to keep the Lord's commandments to love one another. Where is the profit in that, the world laughs.
But, we love the world. Because the Spirt of Truth, the Holy Spirit, is in us.
Reminding us, teaching us, strengthening us to do the work of love without weighing the benefits or counting the cost.
And in the doing the work of love, the Spirit reveals Jesus to us, making him present to us, drawing us to him. The Spirit says; this is the only Truth, the only Way, and the only Life. And we say Amen.

It is only in the intimate and transforming reality of the Spirit, that we are capable of keeping Jesus' commandment to love one another (even the unlovable).

 And when we love others, we love Jesus' and we love Jesus, we are loved by God.