The sisters Mary and Martha reached out to Jesus. They reached in distress and sadness to their
teacher and their friend. They sent word
that their brother Lazarus was near death that the spirit of life was leaving
Jesus tells the messenger and those around him that “This
illness will not lead to death.” Perhaps they were all relieved that Lazarus
would regain his health and life would go on as usual.
But, we know that this was not the case and Lazarus dies before
Jesus arrives.
Distraught and dispirited, Martha, upon hearing that Jesus
was drawing near, runs out to meet him with tears of sadness and perhaps tears
of rage. “Lord if you had been here you would have saved our brother”
Jesus says (I take great liberties here) “I have saved him” How could you “he is already four days in the tomb” Jesus says “I can and I will “for I am the resurrection and
the life”.
We must be clear and hold dear that Jesus does not speak of
natural, old life, but of the LIFE, ever new and eternal, a life with him and
in him, a Spirit filled life. A life that echo’s God’s great promise through revealed
through the prophet Ezekiel “I will put my Spirit in you so you may live”
Paul is clear just what Spirit this is; the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, the
Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead. This is the spirit, coming forth from Jesus’ command that brings
Lazarus back to his natural life.
But, it would be Faith; Martha’s faith, Mary’s faith,
Lazarus’ faith, our faith that leads to everlasting life.
A faith that repeats over and over Martha’s confession “I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of
God, and the One who comes into the world”
And as Jesus reaches out to comfort Martha, and us all, he
could repeat God’s words “I have put my Spirit
in you that you may have life . . . so you might know I am the Lord”
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